Five Feet Zero

self indulgent and short.

Friday, August 25, 2006

For lack of originality

Now that I'm past my first post, I have a few (I think pretty pertinent) questions: Who actually reads blogs when they first start? And if no one reads them in the first place, how does a blog build up a 'fan base'? Is someone likely to search for fivefeetzero on Google and thereby find my blog? Ever? Are people really even interested? If you have somehow managed to stumble upon this (pretty pointless) blog, I would be ever so grateful if you could answer any/all of the above.


  • At 9:30 PM, Blogger Nikhil said…

    If you want people to read what you have to say you have to read what others have to say which is something I don't think you have been doing at all not since salamanders first crawled out of the primordial soup of life back in the precambrian when things were fine and dandy.

  • At 12:07 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    He hee...Shoudl I believe Egghead?

    Well, i came upon your blog because (you shamelessly advertised yourself all across my scrapbook on Orkut ;-) )

    I also wanted to see an India Today reporter would write about... for now I reserve judgement... keep writing... I promise to be a regular reader :)

    Ps- My comments will often be as sharp...But you walk the talk so I guess that's ok !

  • At 3:58 AM, Blogger Fred said…

    Hey, I'm five feet tall, so I'm reading your blog, too!

  • At 1:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I really look up to you.....

  • At 4:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


  • At 3:32 PM, Blogger ~*sim*~ said…

    usually it's blatant advertising that draws people in at the beginning... then you establish credibility, or strike a chord, or put your URL out there in comments enough that random people start floating by your nook of the web.

    -- simran


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