Five Feet Zero

self indulgent and short.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Is this it?

..It is, unfortunately. Circumstances have forced me to end this blog. It's a pity, really, since it's been the cause of much joy in my life. So anyway, I will continue to blog but I've decided to remain un-find-ably anonymous this time round. If you're really really interested in reading the new blog (I can't quite imagine why, but still) and you don't know me in real life, you can email me at:

Sunday, March 04, 2007

My (albeit slightly delayed) New Year's Resolution

It's to stop being scared.
(Disclaimer: this is going to be an emo-ridden aka shitty post).
I'm not sure when exactly but somewhere along 2006 I became scared of everything - a new relationship, bitchy boss, not doing well at work - the works. And this, for those who don't know me from years past, was a complete turnaround from the girl I used to be. In those pre-major breakup times, I was the man (or woman). Little fazed me and I really didn't give a fuck about anyone's opinion. Yet, today I realise that right now I DO give a fuck and I'm far too hung up on just about everything.
So two days of chilling by myself and I've realised that this is no time for fear. I will now go forth and conquer.